Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Monday Morning in Asheville, NC

What a day yesterday was!! We left Boone bright and early, and headed back on the parkway towards Asheville, NC. We knew this was going to be a long day because we originally intended to stay in Little Switzerland (aptly named) in between Boone and Asheville. We realized that the distance wasn't quite far enough to qualify as a full day's ride, so we decided to push all the way to Asheville from Boone in one day. When we made this decision, we were unaware of the fact that the parkway was closing about thirty miles north of Asheville, so rerouting would be necessary. Whenever we are forced to reroute, it is challenging to find the right roads that accommodate the scooter. After having jumping on Interstate 84 in Connecticut (I told you that we had trouble avoiding it) I vowed I would never do that again. So yesterday was a day of adapting.

The ride on the parkway early in the day was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. We climbed to over 4300 feet and the views were incredible. There was not a cloud in the sky. The road was winding, and there were places you could see the road above, with its concrete spanning out on the perimeter of the mountain. Way, way cool. We made great time and did 40 miles before lunchtime, which left 50 to go. We decided to have lunch in Little Switzerland which was up on a mountain. We ate at the Inn there and sat outside. It truly felt like a Swiss village high in the mountains, with its cool air and splendid view. While we were there we received a phone call from John Le at WLOS, at ABC channel 13 in Asheville. He wanted to cover our story. We made arrangements to meet him and his photographer, Eric. They were really nice, and we enjoyed meeting up with them.

After we left Little Switzerland, we had some decisions to make, as getting back on the parkway was not an option. We were still 40 or so miles out, and this is a very hilly area. After a very windy and hilly ride, we made it to Asheville at 6:00 pm, just in time for the news!! I have posted the link, just look for the moped story and click!!

We totally splurged (thank you Betsy) and are staying at the Grove Park Inn, please look it up and find some reason for coming here, it is beyond sensational. Even here, people are not immune to the ravages of breast cancer, the young man who helped us get all our gear in here, lost his mother to breast cancer recently.

Betsy treated me to a massage. The spa is underground and is like a grotto, with waterfalls and soft lights. There are several pools, all in stone, with high stone ceilings, with small lights embedded as stars. This morning Betsy, Jake and I are taking a spin class.

We are two days out of Lawrenceville, GA, our final destination. Jake turns 18 on Thursday, and Tim flies down to join us late Wednesday night. Saturday is the one year anniversary of Dale's death.

The end is in sight, and it is hard to believe. But like I said the other day, this is only the beginning, I assure you, the Trail goes on and on. I send my love to all of you, and my appreciation for your ongoing support. xxxooo


dennis said...

hope your trip is going okay. i have been following your progress ever since you left my store. it touched me and several of my employees . your mission has real meaning. my prayers are with you now and always.

northwest hardware

roadtoacure said...

Sounds like your trip is going extremely well! Congrats!!
