Tuesday, April 22, 2008

More About Dale....The Neverending Story........

About Dale

Dale Burnes Golinski was born and raised in Georgia. She was a beautiful young woman who was accomplished in many areas. The most important thing in Dale’s life was her family -most especially her children. She adored both of them and often said her greatest wish was to be a good and loving mother. Dale had a profound respect for all living things. She had a mystical connection with animals. She also had a great love of beauty as evidenced by her home and her gardens which she fashioned into places of beauty and tranquility. Dale was an accomplished artist as well.

Perhaps the most remarkable quality Dale possessed was her concern for other people. She had the all too rare quality of extraordinary compassion and empathy for others. Additionally, she was blessed with a wonderful sense of humor. Dale was first diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 36 years old. She boldly underwent a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. Instead of anger and complaint, Dale gave her support to those around her who suffered the pain and fear of her condition. Over the next thirteen years, Dale faced numerous metastases and
medical challenges. But Dale was not defined by her disease. Her beautiful spirit shone through in spite of it. We remember Dale as a woman of extraordinary strength and generosity of spirit and it is her remarkable courage that has inspired this undertaking that we have aptly called “Trails for Dale.” It is with great honor and pride that we share Dale’s story and ask for your support in the fight against breast cancer in her honor.

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